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Fan Art





If you would like to submit either fanfiction and/or fan art for Tarnished Wings please read the following guidelines and submit accordingly. Submissions make us very happy dragons! Feed the dragons!

As an aside to the members of the Kenkeru Mailing List, if you'd like us to put up anything you post to the list just give us a yell to 'Archive' it.

-Fanfiction Submissions

Fanfic submissions are handled by Meimi, as such her guidelines are as follows:

1. The fanfic must be about Ken and/or Takeru, preferably Kenkeru or Taken. We do accept fanfics about Ken or Takeru on their own, but a fic with any other pairing must have some Kenkeru/Taken content in it -somewhere-.

2. Fanfics must either be in the body of your email message or as .txt attachments. Meimi MAY accept .doc files if you ask her nicely, but you MUST ask first. Any other file format is not accepted as Meimi's computer might not be able to read it.

3. All ratings are acceptable, from G to NC-17. We cheerfully accept lemons... and we like them too.

4. You must specify the name/nick you wish your fanfics to be posted under and whether you wish your email displayed or a link to your homepage displayed (you must specify these as well).

5. Meimi reserves the right to deny any submissions. If it's unreadable or has too many errors to fix, Meimi will most likely scrap it as she values quality over quantity.

With that out of the way, please use the following link to submit: Submit Your Fanfiction


-Fan-Art Submissions

Fan-Art submissions are handled by Ajora, as such her guidelines are as follows:

1. The art piece must be about Ken and/or Takeru, preferably Kenkeru or Taken, Patamon's evolutions or Wormmon's evolutions. We do accept fan-art of Ken or Takeru on their own or with other characters in a platonic sense, but please NO other romantic pairings.

2. Fan-art must either be attached in the e-mail or given as a URL link. Formats acceptable are as follows: GIF, JPG, PNG. Anything else either may not be displayed on Ajora's computer or will be converted to GIF or JPG.

3. Anything from tame friendly pictures you'd show to your little siblings, to smutty yaoi you wouldn't dare show your parents is acceptable. Hentai is quite welcome, but so is snuggly romantic fluff and friendship pics.

4. You must specify the name/nick you wish your art to be posted under and whether you wish your email displayed or a link to your homepage displayed (you must specify these as well).

5. Ajora reserves the right to deny any submissions. While she will accept anything, talent, quality, and skill are usually her prime factors in archiving fan-art and anything completely unidentifiable will not be accepted.

With that out of the way, please use the following link to submit: Submit Your Fan-Art