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Fan Art





Since the topica update mailing list doesn't exist anymore, there's not much point in keeping up a link to it. Oh well.

-  November 22, 2001  --  Erm, oooh wow, we've been pretty unproductive lately, haven't we? Oops, sorry. Not much this time, unfortunately, but the 20K fanart is finally done. A little later than what it was planned for, but eh... Meimi still likes it.
-  October 8, 2001  --  One new fic by Ashna and a boatload of fanart from Ajora and HY. Oh hey, we're getting close to 20,000 hit. Gee, I wonder what we're gonna do for that... *whistles innocently*
-  September 26, 2001  --  A minor update to the Flame Mocking page.
-  September 14, 2001  --  Two new fanfic writers: dbzlives and Rachel Lynn. A new fanart by Ajora and a new fanartist: Ashna.
-  August 30, 2001  --  Ajora has a new email address now, so the Fan-Art submission address is back up.
-  August 29, 2001  --  Ajora's email is down for the moment. It will be up again for fan-art submissions as soon as she gets a new address.
-  August 23, 2001  --  New chapters by Ashna for Yume Ja Nai Yo. We also have a new section planned out, but it will be awhile before we implement it. Sorry, finding time is a bitch.
-  August 17, 2001  --  New fic by Ajora: Götterdämmerung.
-  August 16, 2001  --  New fic by Ashna: Yume Ja Nai Yo. And the Flame Mocking page has been updated yet again... busy month.
-  August 14, 2001  --  New chapter by Ishida Takeru and the Flame Mocking page has been updated again.
-  August 1, 2001  --  Got us a new counter and got rid of the old bulky one (when people go corporate, things start sucking). Fixed a link on the links page. *coughcough* We've got a new fic by Lisa. And why yes, that is the 10,000 hits link you see on the main page. ^_~ *whistles innocently* Why don't you go take a look, hmm?
-  July 31, 2001  --  The Oekaki BBS is back up, but that's about it. Sorry, trying to get things done it's just difficult.
-  July 27, 2001  --  Yes, it's an update. Shocking isn't it? Meimi is sorry to have neglected the site for so long but RL has been really horrid for her and she simply didn't have any time to fuss with it. So, update now we shall. We've got ourselves a new fanartist: Ai Komoriuta. Two new fanfic writers: Lisa and Quatre's Girl. The Oekaki message board is down. Sorry, it's being moved. We'll have the new URL as soon as it's back up. The Flames page in the Opinion section has been updated. And we do have a special fanart for hitting the 10,000 visitors mark, but Meimi's time is running short again so it will have to wait until next update.
-  July 2, 2001  --  New chapter by Ishida Takeru (Yeah, finally. *cough* ^_~ Just kidding.) New piece of fanart by Ajora. Stroke that ego some more, please. You know I love the attention. ^_^
-  June 19, 2001  --  New fanfiction by Meimi, new chapters by Cynthia & KrazieKat and Ashna, whose fic also got reformatted into the final format (3, 4 & 5 became just 3 and 4 & 5 are new). New fanart by HY. Also got some new gift art, so I redid the gifts section for easier loading.
-  June 11, 2001  --  A new piece of fanart by Cofi: Devil Ken & Angel Takeru. There's also a new file in the Opinions: Flame Mocking.
-  June 8, 2001  --  Gave the links page an overhaul and added the 'support' banners to the main page.
-  June 3, 2001  --  Added two new files to the Opinions section: Ajora's Epigraphy and Meimi's Guide to Fusion Names.
-  May 31, 2001  --  We've got a new fanartist: Cofi.
-  May 28, 2001  --  We've got a new fanartist: Mesarthim.
-  May 25, 2001  --  Minor update to the fic page, Part 4 & 5 of Ashna's Hope in Despair is up.
-  May 23, 2001  --  Another half-assed attempt to update the fanfiction section has produced 4 (well, 5 if you want to get technical) new fanfic authors: Akira Ichijouji, Ashna, Cynthia & KrazieKat and Hikari Takaishi. There will be more... whenever I get around to it. Eheh.
-  May 19, 2001  --  A half-assed attempt to update the fanfiction section has produced: 1 new fanfic writer: Pretty Pretty Princess and 3 new posts by Ajora: The Descent of Daisuke To The Digital World, Phantom Codewalker and Pretend. And since Meimi is going blind right now, the rest of the update will either be tomorrow or next week depending on how coherent she is.
-  May 10, 2001  --  Two new sections: Forums (with an Oekaki and a regular message board) and Gifts (We got a present!). Also three new fanarts by Ajora and a new fanartist: Silver. Fanfics will have to wait another day because Meimi is tired of coding.
-  April 26, 2001  --  Added two new files to the Opinions page.
-  April 25, 2001  --  The Guestbook and the bare-bones of the Opinions page are up.
-  April 22, 2001  --  New fic by Meimi and a new fanartist: Zeras.
-  April 11, 2001  --  Added a new piece of fanart from Ajora and two new pieces by Magnolia.
-  April 5, 2001  --  Added a new piece of fanart from Magnolia, titled Nocturne.
-  April 1, 2001  --  Added a new fic titled Lux Aeterna Luceat Eis, by Ajora.
-  March 30, 2001  --  Added a new piece of fanart from Ajora, titled Forever Love.
-  March 26, 2001  --  Two new fics by Meimi added.
-  March 16, 2001  --  New fanart by Ajora and HY, as well as a new fanartist: Magnolia.
-  March 9, 2001  --  Added a new fic titled Lux Ab Tenebris (Light in the Darkness), by Ajora.
-  March 6, 2001  --  Added a new piece of fanart from Ajora, titled To Protect and Comfort.
-  March 3, 2001  --  Added a new fic titled Peer Pressure, by Meimi.
-  March 1, 2001  --  Added a new piece of fanart, this time done by HY
-  February 28, 2001  --  Added a new link on the Links page today... and I know Ajora spammed the Digimon forum on now so added a counter for my own curiosity. Added another chapter to Ishida Takeru's When it Rains it Pours fanfic series.
-  February 27, 2001  --  Well, everything is up... and I do mean everything. So, we're officially open for business. Added Ishida Takeru's When it Rains it Pours series to the Fanfiction page.
-  February 23, 2001  --  Finished up the Fan-Art page this morning. Had our first fanfic submission! Yay!
-  February 23, 2001  --  The Submissions page is up now and so is the Fanfiction page. The base pages for everything else are up but not complete yet.
-  February 22, 2001  --  Finished the Characters page this morning too. I am productive!
-  February 22, 2001  --  I made the Updates page today. Nifty huh?